I started this blog in April 2016 when I moved to Namibia to begin my service as a Community Economic Development Specialist with the US Peace Corps. I lived in the small desert town of Arandis where I worked for nearly three years at the Town Council as the liaison between local government and the business community. Entrepreneurs, SME owner/operators, and multinational corporations were my primary clientele and I also helped to develop the skills and capacity of the Council’s management and staff.
My first audience for these posts were family and friends around the world who were interested in learning about Namibia and my Peace Corps work. Soon, however, I found more and more of the readers were my new Namibian friends and colleagues with great curiosity in my perspective of their country and in the travels I have been fortunate to enjoy.
Since my return to the US in 2019 and subsequent retirement, the focus of my posts has changed to sharing about travel adventures around the world. My intention is partly to document these trips for posterity but primarily to encourage my Namibian brothers and sisters to stretch themselves in new directions. Adventure and exploration is not only the domain of the affluent – it can be found anywhere on Earth and often with modest resources. Feel free to communicate with me through comments and questions on these blog posts or through any of the social media links below. I look forward to hearing from you!