365 Days in…

Tomorrow will be the first anniversary of my arrival in Namibia with my fellow PCVs from Group 43. I will mark the occasion by completing the “project” I conceived back in October: to backpack from home over the desert and down the Khan and Swakop River canyons to Goanikontes-Oasis Rest Camp.

It’s been too hot in our summer months to make this 2-day, ~45km scramble but the brisk autumn weather has arrived and the conditions are perfect. I’m happy to have the notes and coordinates from my fateful reconnaissance trip, too, so I’m excited for this adventure!

My batteries get recharged in this terrain, something I need after the emotional drain of the past two weeks.

Author: Chris

Until 2019, I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Namibia focused on Community Economic Development. Before that, I was a high-tech executive, small business owner, consultant and business broker.

4 thoughts on “365 Days in…”

  1. Aloha Chris- Everytime I read the posts where you are out traipsing alone across the desert I think of those cartoons where two scruffy lost guys are crawling across the desert floor seeing mirages, etc.
    Except you seem to have it down.
    Still- your idea of fun and mine are oceans apart.
    Sundays mornings I do not get out of bed and say to myself: Gee- I think today, this day of rest, I think I will go bike 60 miles in 120 degree heat with an audience of lions and buzzards.
    You are a remarkable man!
    Stay safe- Peace & Love, Mark

  2. Chris,
    Congratulations and well done on your work and volunteer anniversary. I enjoy learning from your blog.

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