Flew from SFO to Philadelphia yesterday for today’s staging event. In an hour, I will meet for the first time my new colleagues – roughly 30 of us from around the country split between two teams: Community Economic Development (CED) folks and Healthcare people.
Author: Chris
Until 2019, I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Namibia focused on Community Economic Development. Before that, I was a high-tech executive, small business owner, consultant and business broker.
What new language will I learn?
The list is down to five possibilities, depending on where I get assigned to work: Afrikaans, Silozi, Oshikwanyama, Otjiherero or Rumanyo.
19 days before I leave
Scheduled to fly out on April 11th for a staging day in Philadelphia, then an overnight flight to Windhoek via Johannesburg. The Pre-Service Training will be held in Okahandja, 40km north of the capital, with an intense schedule covering language, cultural and technical topics. 6 days per week for 9 weeks, complete with mid-term and final exams. Why did I think packing for two years was the hard part?