Listen to this!

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, we begin our PST sessions with a number of songs to get the blood flowing. Starting with the national anthems (where you’ll hear the low energy in this audio clip), they get more and more rambunctious and end with stamping, swaying, dancing, clapping, finger-snapping and lots of laughing. It certainly wakes us up!

Apologies for the low audio quality…

0:00 Namibian National Anthem
1:28 Anthem of the African Union
2:13 “Namibia !gâi re”
This song is in KKG, a Khoisan clicking language where the ! represents one of the four pronounced clicks. You can’t hear the clicks in this recording but I hope to post a videotape of one of our KKG trainers so you can hear it – it’s fascinating to hear, and to try and speak!

This song (and the next) is in a call & response format with the caller referring to popular subjects (Namibia, Peace Corps and Okahandja) before calling out individuals to dance in our big circle. You may hear some of the names: Efraim, Olivia, Sarah, Mandeep, Andy and “Everbody.”

This is my first attempt to post an audio file to this blog – please let me know if you have any problems with it.

Author: Chris

Until 2019, I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Namibia focused on Community Economic Development. Before that, I was a high-tech executive, small business owner, consultant and business broker.

5 thoughts on “Listen to this!”

  1. The songs, the English lesson, laundry, dinners … all of it is amazing to see. Talk about an armchair traveler! I feel like I’m on this adventure myself through all your blogs, videos and great photos. I look forward to what’s yet to come.

  2. Your audio post is a treat, especially the third song. The quality of all the songs is good. Now you can start working on posting video!

    1. Right! Did you catch the video clip of the Afrikaans language lesson in today’s other post? Not my own clip, but a start…

      1. Yes, I just discovered it. The post is good. The photography framing needs some work. It is exciting to think that the internet allows me to see what’s going on in nearly real time. Amazing, no?

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