May is Peace Corps’ Older American Month

I just learned in this article that May is “Older Americans Month” at the Peace Corps. I wonder if they’ll bake a cake.

I have certainly helped boost the average age of our group. My younger colleagues and the Peace Corps staff may be fully aware of our age gap but they have kindly allowed me to ignore it.

BTW, the link above also happens to feature an article about Angel Sanford – but NOT as an “older American.” She’s one of my fellow CED volunteers here in Namibia. It really is a small world!

Angel Sanford, ready to climb Pride Rock, Okahandja
Angel Sanford, with PC-Namibia Group 43, ready to climb Pride Rock, Okahandja


Author: Chris

Until 2019, I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Namibia focused on Community Economic Development. Before that, I was a high-tech executive, small business owner, consultant and business broker.

5 thoughts on “May is Peace Corps’ Older American Month”

  1. So, was there cake or did they give you a cane? Thanks for the updates and the blog in general. I was particularly interested in hearing the Khoikhoi language from JJ’s video. How are the lessons going?

    1. Once I got through the language midterm (achieving the minimum level required for my final mark), the training emphasis shifted pretty dramatically to other topics. I’ve probably regressed in my Afrikaans ability. I return to Okahandja in a few hours after spending 5 days away shadowing an existing PCV, and expect focus to return back to language during our last 2 weeks of PST.

  2. So love being able to share your adventures via your blog. Sending many blessings for a rich and deeply satisfying experience in Namibia. They are lucky to have you!

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