Final days of PST and live stream of our Swearing-In!

We’re in the final throes of PST and preparing for our Swearing-In Ceremony tomorrow which will be streamed live via Periscope!

On Thursday, 16 June 2016 (at 10AM Western Africa Time), Peace Corps Namibia Group 43 will be swearing-in as official Peace Corps Volunteers. Those interested in watching a live stream of the ceremony, please download the Periscope app and follow Travis_PC_Namibia.

I understand this will be very early for people in the US (2AM in California and 11PM Wednesday night in Honolulu), so feel free to view the archived stream at a more convenient time if you’re interested.

Over the past two days, our host organizations’ supervisors and counterparts have traveled to Windhoek from around the country. After our initial introductions, we have had numerous group meetings, breakout presentations and one-on-one sessions to set the foundation for the next two years.


Breakout groups at the Supervisors' Workshop
Breakout groups at the Supervisors’ Workshop helped our Namibian partners understand more about the Peace Corps, and what specific qualifications we’ll bring to their communities.

As I’ve been saying for weeks now, Group 43 is a very impressive team of Americans – and now, we can’t wait to spread out across this great land! We’ll leave this team behind us tomorrow and begin to leverage our efforts with our new Namibian partners. The enthusiasm amongst the whole group today was truly awe-inspiring!

Group 43 with Supervisors and Counterparts
Group 43 Volunteers with our Supervisors and Counterparts

Author: Chris

Until 2019, I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Namibia focused on Community Economic Development. Before that, I was a high-tech executive, small business owner, consultant and business broker.

4 thoughts on “Final days of PST and live stream of our Swearing-In!”

  1. Wow — congratulations! Kan jy nou praat Afrikaans vaardig?
    Group 43 is certainly impressive. Of course, you raised the curve significantly (at least in terms of years!).
    Is that your handsome mug tacked to the map right next to the “Oc” of “Atlantic Ocean?”
    I’m happy for you, buddy!

    1. Thanks, David! Yep, I contributed more than 10% of the cumulative years of experience! And yea, that’s me and Arandis: I’ll be as close to the ocean as I can get short of being in one of the 2 coastal towns. And Swakopmund (Nam’s busiest tourist town in our Summer) is my “shopping town,” where I’ll go every couple of weeks for provisions.

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