An abundance of gratitude…

This past weekend was most special! Bringing together so many of my favorite people in Namibia! Colleagues from work, clients, Namibian friends and fellow PCVs joined me Friday night to celebrate my farewell – an experience I will never forget! Some of them agreed to be caught in these photos and many others graciously made entries in my Memory Book. (I can’t bring myself to go through that one until I’m on the airplane in 10 days’ time.)

Saturday morning brought a final climb up Arandis Mountain, introducing that sacred place to both American volunteers and sporting Namibians. The hike and climb helped build our appetite for a large Thanksgiving gathering hosted by PCV Vern. Sunday gave me the chance to raffle my collection of PC schwag that won’t make it back to California. Many of the new PCVs have only been at their site for three weeks. They have such adventures ahead of them over the next two years and I hope they enjoy these various items that helped keep me safe, healthy and entertained during my service.

I know that most of you won’t recognize many of these people – but I think the smiles will communicate the love and respect that we’ve built for one another! I hope you enjoy them…


When we join the Peace Corps, we expect to work hard, we hope to make a difference and we look for signs of our impact on our community. Only the first one is guaranteed. I have not spoken very much about the work I’ve been doing in this blog, choosing instead to focus more on the beauty and culture of this remarkable country and my extracurricular activities. Despite that lack of coverage however, the large bulk of my time was spent coaching, consulting and supporting my Namibian and Peace Corps colleagues in my organization, my community, the region and the country.

My heart is warmed by this text message received today from local businessman Nelson. The sentiments he expresses helps me feel good about the effect we may be having:

It was an honour meeting you. I think your office been excellent to me in the council. It always felt home around there. Mrs Petrus Mr Kanime and you Mr Chris I say big thanks. We had a small chat in your office and it has turned my dream into a reality.

Author: Chris

Until 2019, I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Namibia focused on Community Economic Development. Before that, I was a high-tech executive, small business owner, consultant and business broker.

8 thoughts on “An abundance of gratitude…”

    1. Hey, Eric! You know more than most who is more affected by our time here. Hope you’re well and can find your way back here one day. I’m already trying to make that plan!

  1. Chris, Thank you for sharing your wonderful experiences over these past two years. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning about Namibia, the culture, the people, the beautiful land and your personal travels throughout the area. I’m sure you must have mixed emotions about leaving your “family” there, but happy to get home to your other family. I will truly miss your blog, the people and the landscape, but so very grateful that I could follow you through this memorable journey in life. Mahalo and please stay in touch. You, your dad and the Wilmoth family will always be a part of ours here at 15C.

    1. Thank you for following along, Maryanne! I have many more things to share about my time here, so I suspect I’ll keep the blog updated for awhile. There will be a lot of processing of my experience in the weeks and months to come and I’ll need an outlet. Good wishes for the holiday season to all our friends back at 15C!

  2. Hi Chris, I just found this and I’m enjoying your blog. I’m going to read all of your posts as I will be going to Namibia in April of next year. If you open I may have more questions about your experience and what I might do to prepare before I get there.

    Thanks for writing!

    1. Hello, Christian! I am so happy to hear that you’ll be coming to Namibia as part of Group 49! As I type this, on the last day of my service at the Arandis Town Council, and after calling this my home for 2 1/2 years, the tears are flowing freely. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.

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