Our KKG language instructor, JJ, agreed to videotape this greeting so that you could hear the unique sounds of his “clicking” Khoikhoi language.
Continue reading “Listen to this!”Pre-Service Training (PST) at the halfway point
PST is the name given to the 9 to 12 weeks of orientation and training that all PC Volunteers around the world receive between Staging (in the US) and their 2-year assignments “at site.”
Continue reading “Pre-Service Training (PST) at the halfway point”
Time to get away!
I look forward to getting out of the classroom as we all leave for a few days to shadow our host volunteers around the country. I’ll be with Andy, in Windhoek, only about 45 minutes away – some of my colleagues will be on the road for the entire day.
Images of Life in Namibia
Sunday marked the end of Week #5 of our Pre-Service Training (PST) – and time for a day of rest at Gross Barmen, a new resort & conference center 25km out of Okahandja.
Should you hire a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer?
Here’s an interesting article, worth reading to learn more about how we’re being trained and what we’re expected to do.
Continue reading “Should you hire a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer?”
Images of Life in Namibia
Breaking News: I’ll be living in Arandis
The first of two consecutive days of breaking news
The latest step in Peace Corps-Namibia’s “dance of the veils” occurred this afternoon. We all learned where we will shadow a current volunteer for a few days next week.
Continue reading “The first of two consecutive days of breaking news”
We just passed a milestone!
It just dawned on me that yesterday marked one month since I left home. It seems so much longer.
May is Peace Corps’ Older American Month
I just learned in this article that May is “Older Americans Month” at the Peace Corps. I wonder if they’ll bake a cake.